Jin Xi

Jin Xi

Associate Professor

  • Biography
  • Research Interest
  • Publications
  • Teaching

Dr. Jin Xi, born in 1985, received her PhD degree from Leiden University in January 2014. She also holds a MA in “International Relations and Diplomacy” from Leiden University, and an LLB in “International Politics” from China University of Political Science and Law. She now works as an Associate Professor in the School of International Studies, Renmin University of China.

International Exchange and Public Engagement

Human Rights, Migration, and Global Governance, the 2018 ACUNS Annual Meeting, LUISS University, Rome, 12-14 July, 2018

Renewing the Franco-Germany Axis and the Prospect of EU Integration, the 2018 Annual Meeting of Chinese Association for European Studies, Guangzhou, 23-24 June, 2018

Towards East Asian Leadership in Strengthening Multilateralism in an Increasingly Turbulent World, the 17th East Asian Seminar on the United Nations System, Kitakyushu,10-12 November, 2017

China, United States, and Latin America: New Actors and Changing Relations, Beijing,China, 20-21 October, 2016

New Challenges and Future Prospects of Peacekeeping Operations, the 2014 International Conference of PKO, Seoul, 12-14 November 2014

Research Interest

European Studies

Regionalism and Regional Integration

Feminist International Relations

Visualizing International Relations

1. Jin, Xi. “The Establishment of National Immigration Administration and China’s Immigration Policy Reform (Cong Zujian Guojiayiminguanliju tan zhongguo yiminguanli fazhigaige).” Legal Daily (Fazhi Ribao), 21 November 2018.

2. Jin, Xi. “Risk Society: Characteristics, Effects and Responses (Fengxianshehui De Tezheng,Weihai Jiqi Yingdui).” Legal Daily (Fazhi Ribao), 22 February 2017.

3. Jin, Xi. “Cultural Differences and Similarities between China and Brazil: A Comparative Analysis using Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions.” In China and Latin America in Transition.

4. Policy Dynamics, Economic Commitments and Social Impacts, eds. Cui Shoujun and Manuel Pérez García, 227-242. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

5. Jin, Xi. “Teaching International Relations with Films (Dianying zai Guojiguanxi Jiaoxue zhongde Yingyong). ” China Higher Education (Zhongguo Gaodengjiaoyu) 20 (2016): 57-59.

6. Jin, Xi and Liu Jingru. “Talent Development for International Organizations under Global Governance (Quanqiuzhili Shiyu xia Guojizuzhi Rencaipeiyang de Shijian Tansuo).” China Higher Education (Zhongguo Gaodengjiaoyu) 8 (2020): 50-52.

7. Jin, Xi. “Post-Cold War Foreign Policy of the EU towards Taiwan and Analysis of its Prospect (Lengzhanhou Oumeng Duitai Zhengce Neihan ji Qianjing Fenxi).” Journal of Northwest University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) vol. 46, no. 3 (2016):29-34.

8. Jin, Xi and Madeleine O. Hosli. “Pre- and Post-Lisbon: European Union Voting in the United Nations General Assembly.” West European Politics vol. 36, no.6 (2013): 1274-1291.

9. Jin, Xi. “Wartime Sexual Violence Research beyond the Mainstream Narrative: A Feministic Interpretation of the 2012 Human Security Report (Chaoyue Zhuliu Huayu de Zhanshi Xingbaoli Yanjiu: 2012 Renlei Anquan Baogao de Nvxingzhuyi Jiedu).” West China Development 3 (2013): 51-52.

Theory and Practice of Regional Integration (Undergraduate, Chinese)

IR Specialized English: Speaking & Listening (Undergraduate, bilingual in English and Chinese)

IR Specialized English: Thesis Writing (Undergraduate, bilingual in English and Chinese)

International Relations at the Movies (Undergraduate, exclusively taught in English)

Academic English Writing (Graduate, exclusively taught in English)