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Cheng Nong

Cheng Nong

Associate Professor

  • Biography
  • Research Interest
  • Publications
  • Teaching


Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, 2012-present

Associate Professor, Department of History of CPC, Renmin University of China, 1997-2000

Lecturer, Department of History of CPC, Renmin University of China, 1990-1997


Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 2011

M.A., Renmin University of China, 1990

B.A., Anhui Normal University, 1987

Research Interest

Political Thought in Modern Europe

Political Thought in Late Imperial and Modern China

Publications (All in Chinese)

“Hume and the Problem of Rational Self-Interest,” Gui-Zhou Social Sciences, November 2014.

“Why Modern Neo-Confucianism Needed a Cultural-Historical Philosophy,”Journal of Beijing Administration College, October2014.

“Rousseau’s Critique of Classical Contractualism and The Social Contract,” Fu-Dan Political Philosophy Review(IV),2014.

The Intellectual Transition in Modern China, Chapter 1-3, Beijing: Renmin University Press, 1999.

“Reconstructing the Space: the Imagination of the World of Chinese Radicals in 1919,” Twenty-first Century(The Chinese University of Hong Kong), No.5 (October1997).

“Clifford Geertz and the Cultural Discourse in the 20th China,” Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly (Hong Kong), Autumn Issue 1994.

Undergraduate courses (in Chinese):

History of Western Political Thought

History of Political institutions of Ancient China

History of Chinese Political Thought

The Political Classics

Postgraduate courses (in Chinese):

Topics in Modern Western Political Thought

History of Chinese Political Thought